» Surgeons » Surgeons Who Offer UL Without Vaginectomy
Phalloplasty Surgeons Who Don't Require Vaginectomy with Urethral Lengthening
Is It Necessary to Have a Vaginectomy Before Getting Phalloplasty?
While Vaginectomy is not a strict pre-requisite for Phalloplasty, most Phalloplasty Surgeons require Vaginectomy to be performed if Urethral Lengthening (UL) is also being performed, because Vaginectomy is believed to reduce complications related to UL, particularly urinary fistula. Despite this, there are some people who are interested in vaginal preservation along with UL and are willing to accept the risks and provide informed consent. The surgeons listed below are Phalloplasty Surgeons in the U.S. who will perform Urethral Lengthening without requiring Vaginectomy.

Dr. Richard Santucci
Dr. Santucci is a Reconstructive Urologist who specializes exclusively in transgender surgery after a distinguished career in academia. His many years of experience with complex urological surgery uniquely positions him as a Phalloplasty surgeon. He offers RFF, ALT and MLD Phalloplasty. Read more »

Dr. Curtis Crane
Dr. Crane is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Austin, Texas who is one of the most experienced Phalloplasty surgeons in the world. Since 2012, Dr. Crane and his team have performed more than 600 Phalloplasty surgeries, including RFF, ALT and MLD. Read more »

Dr. Gabriel Del Corral
Dr. Del Corral is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who offers Phalloplasty at the Medstar Center for Gender Affirmation in Washington D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland. He is an Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital. Dr. Del Corral is fellowship trained in microsurgery and specializes in gender-affirming procedures. Read more »

Dr. Christopher Salgado
Dr. Salgado is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Miami who has more than a decade of experience performing Phalloplasty surgery. Dr. Salgado has committed his career to gender-affirming surgery and transgender people represent more than 3/4 of the patients he sees in his practice. Read more »

Dr. Michael Safir
Dr. Safir is a urologist who specializes exclusively in the trans masculine bottom surgery procedures, Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty. He is one of the few urologists in the world with individual fellowship training and experience in both male and female genital reconstruction. Dr. Safir's training and many years of experience in urology has made him a popular Phalloplasty surgeon on the West Coast. Read more »

Dr. Daniel J. Freet
Dr. Freet is a board-certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who offers Phalloplasty at the University of Texas in Houston. Dr. Freet performs RFF and ALT, as well as Abdominal, Groin and Fibula Flap Phalloplasty. Insurance and Medicare are accepted. Read more »

Dr. Christopher McClung
Dr. McClung is a board-certified Reconstructive Urologist in Ohio who specializes in Phalloplasty. He began seeing patients who had urological complications after gender-affirming surgeries done by other surgeons and eventually started performing primary gender-affirming surgeries himself. Read more »
Last updated: 12/12/23