» Surgeons » Reconstructive Urologists
Reconstructive Urologists
Surgical Solutions for Urethral Complications Following Phalloplasty
Reconstructive Urologists are trained in Reconstructive Urology / Genitourinary Reconstruction, a sub-specialty of Urology that focuses on restoring normal urine flow in both the upper and the lower urinary tract. Reconstructive Urologists have the experience and specialized training that's needed to treat post-operative complications that can arise following Phalloplasty, such as urethral fistulas and strictures.
Reconstructive Urologists in the U.S.

Dr. Richard Santucci
Dr. Santucci is a Reconstructive Urologist who specializes in transgender surgery after a distinguished career in academia. His many years of experience with advanced urological reconstruction uniquely positions him to provide solutions for difficult urethral complications. More »

Dr. Mang Chen
Dr. Chen is a highly experienced Reconstructive Urologist in San Francisco who specializes in Phalloplasty, particularly urological procedures such as Urethral Lengthening, and Testicular and Penile Implants. He has performed hundreds of Phalloplasty and related procedures, and has deep expertise in fistula and stricture repair surgeries. More »

Dr. Christopher McClung
Dr. McClung is a board-certified Reconstructive Urologist in Ohio who specializes in Phalloplasty. With a high level of expertise in complex urethral reconstructions, Dr. McClung began seeing patients who had urological complications after gender-affirming surgeries done by other surgeons and eventually started performing primary gender-affirming surgeries himself. Dr. McClung's practice is now fully dedicated to providing this care. More »

Dr. Michael Safir
Dr. Safir is a Reconstructive Urologist who specializes exclusively in bottom surgery procedures. He is one of the few urologists in the world with individual fellowship training and experience in both male and female genital reconstruction. More »

Dr. Kenan Celtik
Dr. Celtik is a fellowship trained gender surgeon and reconstructive urologist with 15 years of advanced surgical training. His fellowship training was entirely focused on gender affirming genital surgery and penile implants. He practices with the Crane Center in San Francisco. More »

Dr. Dmitriy Nikolavsky
Dr. Nikolavsky is Assistant Professor of Urology and Director of Reconstructive Urology at Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse, New York. Dr. Nikolavsky provides urological care for patients experiencing complications following Phalloplasty, such as strictures, fistulas and abscesses. More »
FTM Phalloplasty and the Role of the Reconstructive Urologist
Phalloplasty is a complex surgery that is fraught with potential complications. When a difficult urinary complication arises after Phalloplasty, it's time to bring in a Reconstructive Urologist.
More Reconstructive Urologists
- Dr. Cooper Benson, MD
NOLA Transgender Institute
3700 St. Charles Ave.
New Orleans, LA, 70115, - Dr. Benjamin N. Breyer
UCSF Department of Urology
UCSF ACC 6th floor, 400 Parnassus St., Suite A610
San Francisco, CA, 94143 - Dr. Billy H. Cordon-Galiano
Mount Sinai Medical Center
4302 Alton Rd., Suite 540
Miami Beach, Florida, 33140 - Dr. Laura Douglass
Temple University
Lewis Katz School of Medicine
Medical Education & Research Building
3500 N. Broad St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140 - Dr. Geolani Dy
Oregon Health & Science University
Transgender Health Program
3303 SW Bond Ave.
Center for Health and Healing Building 1, 10th Floor
Portland, OR 97239 - Dr. Sean Elliott
University of Minnesota Health
Clinics and Surgery Center
909 Fulton St. SE
Minneapolis, MN, 55455 - Dr. Ross Everett
USF Health Department of Urology
2 Tampa General Circle
Tampa, Florida 33606 - Dr. Brad Figler
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Department of Urology
170 Manning Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC, 27599 - Dr. Maurice Garcia
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Transgender Surgery and Health Program
8700 Beverly Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA, 90048 - Dr. Ronak Gor
Cooper University Health
127 Church Rd., Suite 400
Marlton, NJ 08053 - Dr. Aaron Grotas
Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery
275 Seventh Ave.
New York, NY, 10011 - Dr. R. Caleb Kovell
Pennsylvania Hospital - Urologic Center
800 Walnut Street, 19th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107 - Dr. Christopher D. McClung
350 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Suite 100
Worthington, OH, 43085 - Dr. Benjamin J. McCormick
University of Utah Health
50 North Medical Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT, 84132 - Dr. Michael Metro
Temple University
Lewis Katz School of Medicine
Medical Education & Research Building
3500 N. Broad St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140 - Dr. Kirtishri Mishra
Metro Health Medical Center
2500 Metro Health Dr.
Cleveland, Ohio, 44109 - Dr. Jeremy Myers
University of Utah Health
50 North Medical Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT, 84132 - Dr. Joseph Pariser
University of Minnesota Health
Clinics and Surgery Center
909 Fulton St. SE
Minneapolis, MN, 55455 - Dr. Daniel Rosenstein
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 751 S. Bascom Ave.
San Jose, CA, 95128 - Dr. Nabeel A Shakir, MD
Henry Ford Hospital
2799 W Grand Blvd., K9
Detroit, MI 48202 - Dr. Carl Thomas
San Francisco Medical Center
450 6th Ave.
San Francisco, CA, 94118 - Dr. Krishnan Venkatesan
MedStar Center for Gender Affirmation, 102 Irving St. NW, Washington, DC, 20010 - Dr. Alex Vanni
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
41 Mall Rd
Burlington, MA, 01805 - Dr. Bryan B. Voelzke
Spokane Urology
The Medical Center Building
820 S. McClellan, Suite 118
Spokane, WA, 99204 - Dr. Jonathan Witten
First Urology, PSC
101 Hospital Blvd.
Jeffersonville, IN 47130 - Dr. Lee C. Zhao
NYU Urology Associates
135 East 31st Street, 2nd Flr.
New York, NY, 10016
Last updated: 10/17/24